
Showing posts from May, 2017

Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent upgrade using SCCM

I have worked on a upgrade of Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent on 60000 devices including server and workstations. The upgrade was having several challenges and issues but here are some scripts that will help in upgrading with ease. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Script ( Verbose Logging Enabled) : This script can be use to install SEP agent (if SEP is provided by the SEPMC) silently. '-------------------------------Start of Script----------------------------------------- '------------Install 32 bit Symantec Endpoint Protection12.1.5337.5000 ------------------ On error resume next dim fso, wshll, Dir, Path, key, installdir, uname, ttime, loc, sloc, Exepath, cmdline, cm, SCPath Set fso = createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject") Set wshll = createobject("") PRODATA = wshll.expandenvironmentstrings("%ProgramData%"

Error code 26352 while installing application

I was trying to install prerequisite of a web-based application, and getting error 26352. Verbose logging were showing it a certificate issue. I have imported required certificate but still installation was aborted with error code 26352. As a workaround when I looked into the certificate store. I found several certificates were present in the store with same name. Once I removed all, again imported the required ones it works fine. Please comment for other ideas or this blog helped. - Aarif 
Dear Friends, I am going to start writing blogs, based on my experience and thought, most of them will technical blog but yes, you will get interesting stuff also. Thanks.